I have tried to write a post three separate times tonight and wasn’t happy with any of them – so here I am. My biggest issue is that I tried to post three times and didn’t… which means I am over analyzing my writing vs. just getting my thoughts out there …which I vowed to not do. So, I am going to blame it on Hump Day.
Had a crazy, crazy day, filled with work, doctors appointments, Cleft Awareness, Kella, etc. The moral of the story;
We met with our surgeon and Ella does not have any scheduled surgeries in the near future. The hole in her palate is almost non-existent and he doesn’t think it’s contributing to speech issues, so that’s great news!
We had our first pediatric orthodontist appointment. First, the Children’s Dental Center is phenomenal and I am 100% positive my childhood dental visits were not like this. We met with Dr. Dowd, who specializes with children with clefts —she is amazing, I really like her. She could potentially be the most helpful person we have met in this entire process. I will cross my fingers. She says Ella’s teeth look amazing and everything is lined up really nicely. She currently has all of her teeth, except her 2 year old molars. She may be missing a tooth next to her front tooth, but we will not know that for sure for a while. If so, no big deal!
Ella met with her speech behavior therapist for the second time. This time she was observed at daycare. I have not yet decided if this is speech or behavior therapy. No matter what, our therapist, has offered lots of useful tips on how to minimize tantrums and stop the biting, so …if something good comes from this, I will be happy! In the meantime I have been working extra hard with Ella to learn more sign language so she can better communicate her needs.
I was able to make a great contact in regards to making jewelry for Cleft Awareness. Julie, from Heart & Stone Custom Jewelry has been amazing and very helpful so I am really excited to see if something can come of this relationship. Although I am super excited to make something, I want to make sure I take my time and make the right decisions so that I like it for a long time. Lets be honest – we all know I have A.D.D. – so it could still happen
Ok kiddies – it’s no longer Hump Day so I am going to sign off for now. I will leave you with this:
God I love her. I can’t wait to come over when I get home…I forget what your face looks like, please tell ella thank you for guest blogging..I owe her one,