When we first found out we were pregnant we created a short list of names for both boys and girls, but if we had a boy we were pretty sure we were set on one name. That was until we found out for sure we were having a boy. Once it became a reality I started to doubt my choices and wanted more time to think it over.
From today we have exactly four months to go and we will need that time – not only to finish the 1,000 projects we have left, but to talk Ella into what a great name Will is. While she might also be joking about Ferdinand, she really does want to name him Henry. Every time she tells people Ferdinand we correct her and say, “No honey what’s the baby’s real name?” to which she replies, “Henry.” We then follow it up with – “No… honey that’s not his name.” She then puts her hands on her hips and replies, “Why not? Henry’s a good name!”
*Side note: The above image is a tool from BabyZone that I used when we were expecting Ella. I dug all night long trying to find it and when I finally did it returned the same definition as it showed for Ella. I assumed it was broken and wasn’t going to use it however I tested 10 different name variations that all returned different results. That can only mean our name selection is more perfect than even we realized and more importantly, we are doomed because it seems this child will be just like Ella!!